Sustainable Water Resource Management

Our water resource management consultants provide sustainability-first expertise and infrastructure engineering support in hydrology, drainage (SuDS), flood risk assessment, water quality, river engineering and restoration and wider associated water solutions.

Our core water resources expertise

  • Strategic planning and policy
  • Sequential testing
  • Due diligence and feasibility
  • Flood risk assessment and mitigation
  • Hydrology and hydraulic modelling
  • Drainage – all stages from due diligence/feasibility to detailed design
  • Surface water management and sustainable drainage (SuDS)
  • Technical and planning advice to lead local flood authorities
  • Water resource management and planning
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Geomorphological survey and assessment
  • Water Framework Directive assessment
  • Water quality assessment, monitoring and modelling
  • Flood risk activity permits/ordinary watercourses consent and consenting
  • Water supply availability
  • Expert witness services
  • Water cycle studies
  • Water neutrality
  • Nutrient neutrality
  • Biodiversity net gain and River Condition Assessment
  • River restoration services
  • Climate change adaptation and resilience

Water consultancy.

Sweco’s water resources consultancy is different in all the right ways. Below are just some of the key things that set us apart…

Climate-focused consultancy

Water is an invaluable resource for human life and the environment. Its sustainable management is essential and requires a strategic approach to protect and enhance water quality – and its availability – while at the same time managing any potential associated flood risk. This is made even more urgent by the impact that climate change is already having on water resources, with an increased frequency and magnitude of flooding in parallel to prolonged periods of drought.

Our water resources experts – a team of teams covering all key aspects of hydrology consultancy – offer the wide and interconnected range of services needed for the joined-up management of water – more specifically of surface water.

  1. Our hydraulic modelling specialists add the expertise needed to investigate flood risk constraints and help our clients to identify development options and solutions which are both safe and do not increase flood risk elsewhere.
  2. We design SuDS to deliver multifunctional benefits, which will result in improvements in water quality and biodiversity, as well as benefits for amenity. This supports the sustainable development of our cities proving green/blue infrastructure in the public realm and highways on behalf of developers, highways authorities and lead local flood authorities.
  3. We help developers in unlocking complex sites assessing flood risk management options from the feasibility stage and developing drainage solutions which are embedded into the masterplanning process, developed through planning and progressed into the detailed design stage.
  4. We monitor and protect water quality integrating our surface and groundwater specialisms and supporting water companies and highways authorities.

We work for a wide range of clients including local authorities, water companies, highways authorities, developers and contractors. We support any type of project embedding flood risk mitigation measures and resilience into the design from the feasibility stage down to the detailed design stage.

Thinking in the Whole

The regulatory driver of “Resilience in the round” is one of the key themes for AMP7 set by Ofwat. We believe this needs to be tackled by “Thinking in the Whole”, as opposed to the “thinking in the hole” approach traditionally driven across the industry by commercial models that primarily focus on delivery efficiencies.

Multi-disciplinary expertise

Our experience in Environmental Impact Assessments covers a wide range of project types and scales, including wind farms, site redevelopments and major infrastructure projects such as highways engineering schemes.

As well as environment impact, we support multi-disciplinary teams and contract partners on a wide range of design and construction including flood risk mitigation, bridge and culvert design, river realignments, scour protection and licensing and environmental permitting requirements. At Sweco, our water consultancy specialists can draw on both global expertise and local knowhow to help you:

  1. Understand policy requirements and regulators expectations
  2. Promote sustainable and resilient solutions
  3. Optimise synergies and promote an integrated approach to projects
  4. Unlock complex sites
  5. Maximise land value
  6. Promote stewardship

Vast experience – including extensive AMP framework support

We have worked with clients on Water Framework Directive investigations to mitigate surface water abstraction impacts, and provide enhancements such as river restoration and engineering.

We also understand policy and regulators expectations and can support our clients at all stages of their projects, providing proactive and cost-effective advice and solutions from feasibility/due diligence stage, through support at the planning stage and down to detailed design including environmental licensing and consenting.

Our water specialists have all the skills required for a sustainable management of water resources. We protect surface and groundwater quality and champion nature-based solutions to manage water availability and flood risk. From long term regional water resources management plans to local studies, we ensure our clients always meet their regulatory obligations while promoting innovation, resilience and cost-effective solutions.   

Enrico Isnenghi Water Environment Department Manager

Added value for non-water projects

Sweco’s wide-ranging capability allows us to think differently – combining front-end strategy, innovative digital delivery and optimised operation with industry-leading carbon expertise as we drive multiple sectors towards net zero through the nature-based solutions, systems thinking, adaptive planning and ‘thinking in the whole’ approach in our water teams.

  1. Due diligence processes
  2. Masterplanning
  3. Environmental Impact Assessments
  4. Technical planning support
  5. Sustainability assessments
  6. Transport planning
  7. Highways design
  8. Buildings design
  9. Infrastructure design

There is no sustainable development without sustainable water management. We’re proud to help our clients in their goals to protect water resources, optimise their use and improve their resilience to flood risk.

Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 22,000 engineers, consultants and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.​ With international multi-disciplinary teams, we can call on the right insight and technical capability at the right time from across Buildings, Infrastructure, Advisory & Planning and Compliance.​