Landscape Architecture

Sweco’s landscape architecture design, planning and management consultants design sustainable environments where people can live, work and thrive – we create high-quality, distinctive spaces across the UK through a unique blend of artistic flair and technical know-how, while also focusing on practicality.

Leaders in landscape architecture

With a truly multi-disciplinary network of consultancy and engineering expertise, our landscape architects can support you throughout your project, offering a complete range of planning, design and management solutions. We also collaborate with leading UK architects to add maximum value.

Our design philosophy focuses on the creation of memorable places with a distinct identity, clear spatial form and sensitive integration within the local context. Our solutions are practical, robust and recognise the changing demands made on the external environment. We believe that landscape planning and design plays a critical role in the successful development of our towns and rural areas and we strive to create enjoyable, high quality spaces.

With a passion (and global reputation) for creative excellence, we combine cross-sector knowledge and experience to deliver truly transformational solutions. Our services cover environmental planning, energy & carbon, ecology, water management and transport planning.

Arboretum Place, Edinburgh | Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, production of verified photomontage visualisations and detailed landscape design for a major transport infrastructure project. Find out more.

A47 Thickthorn Flythrough | Animation showcasing Sweco-designed highway and landscape improvements, for use online and at public consultation events. Find out more.

Etive Park, Glasgow | Feasibility study and options development for residential green space. Proposed interventions focus: SuDS, active travel, accessibility, facilities for young people. Find out more.

Cuningar Loop Woodland Park – Phase 2 | An urban park opening up public access along the River Clyde and creating spaces for education and art. Find out more.

Harling Drive Cycle Route | Cycleway link design and implementation to encourage active travel centred on placemaking and retrofitted rain gardens. Find out more.

Bridlington Town Centre Seafront | Town centre revitalisation through the design and implementation of a bold public realm and wayfinding scheme. Find out more.

Gypsey Race Park, Bridlington | Urban park creation following the opening of Gypsey Race river, focusing on biodiversity, regeneration, community engagement and play. Find out more.

Market Square, Dover | Town centre regeneration through the design and implementation of a landmark water feature set within a new public square. Find out more.

Greengate Square, Salford | Public square design and implementation to establish a vibrant  city centre destination with bespoke art and playful water features. Find out more.

Bridlington Station Plaza | New station entrance design and implementation – creating a welcoming gateway by decluttering public realm and minimising traffic. Find out more.

Wind Farm Feasibility Studies | Identifying key landscape sensitivities to inform siting and design for UK-wide wind developments, from single turbines to 90-turbine farms. Find out more.

Bradford | City centre transformation with a focus on traffic reduction, improved street layout, enhancement of key views, placemaking, sustainable drainage and biodiversity. Find out more.

West Suffolk Hospital | Landscape and visual impact assessment of a large new hospital on a greenfield site within a designated Special Landscape Area. Find out more.


Manchester Priority Corridors | Feasibility study to identify and develop improvements for six corridors into the city centre, focused on active travel and place making. Find out more.

Cross Tay Link Road | Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, production of verified photomontage visualisations and detailed landscape design for a major transport infrastructure project. Find out more.

Our creative teams demonstrate our passion for design excellence and have the ability to inspire and guide the design and to successfully deliver the vision.

Robin Meade Associate Landscape Architect


Landscape Planning

Sweco’s landscape architects are experienced in providing clients with early-stage advice on the ability of different landscapes to accommodate society’s required change. We offer expertise in the assessment of landscape character and value that have been tested through public inquiry and examination for projects both large and small.

Our analysis of the landscape and of the policy context enables us to develop robust assessment methodologies and to offer clear advice to help secure planning consent for challenging projects in sensitive locations. Our landscape planning services include:

  • Site and options appraisals to determine landscape capacity
  • Outline feasibility studies
  • Routing studies for linear infrastructure
  • Statutory and public consultation
  • Detailed landscape, townscape, seascape and visual impact assessments
  • Verifiable visualisation production

Landscape Design

Sweco is recognised for innovative public realm landscape design for both the public and private development sectors. Our expertise covers urban regeneration projects, public spaces, educational settings, residential developments, health organisations, mixed use developments, as well as retail and major infrastructure.

Our landscape architecture design services include:

  • Landscape masterplanning
  • Outline design
  • Detailed design
  • Contract supervision
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • SuDS
  • Shared surfaces
  • Biophilic design
  • Roof gardens and podiums
  • Ecology and habitat creation

Landscape Management

Sweco embeds future management considerations from the earliest stage in the design process to ensure the long-term success of our client’s schemes. In specifying durable materials and robust design detailing, we ensure that maintenance costs are kept to a minimum for the lifetime of the scheme. We prepare landscape maintenance and management plans which ensure schemes are kept clean and safe.

Core sectors

  1. Public Realm
  2. Offices & Business Parks
  3. Parks & Open Space
  4. Urban Regeneration
  5. Residential
  6. Mixed Use & Retail
  7. Education
Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our engineers, consultants and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable.​ With international multi-disciplinary teams, we can call on the right insight and technical capability at the right time from across Buildings, Infrastructure, Advisory & Planning and Compliance.​